Cat Near Green Fresh Asparagus and Ceramic Mug

Cats by nature are carnivores and to assume that they can be vegan is absurd! However there are certain vegetables that are safe for them to consume. So lets see 7 vegetables cats can safely eat.


Broccoli is a veggie that’s is completely packed with nutrients, Its not just good for humans but even your kitty can occasionally munch on it to enjoy its health benefits be it the stocks or the florets both can provide equal nutrition to your feline. However make sure to give it slightl boiled or steamed as a raw piece of broccoli would be hard to digest for your feline. As her stomach is not equipped to take in all that fiber and nutrients in its whole form.

broccoli in a plate
ginger coloured tabby sitting on the table

2. carrots

This orange root vegetable is equipped with all the right amount of vitamins and you will often find them in catfoods used as a filler which goes as solid proof that carrots are safe fpr your kitty’s consumption. Just make sure that the carrots are about atleast 85-95 % cooked, and cut into bite size pieces.

orange carrots in a white    bowl
roasted pumpkins in a white plate
grey and white cat biting pumpkin stem


Although not exactly a vegetable the pumpkin is a delightful treat for cats with mild stomach disorders. A couple of ounces a day of steamed pumpkin can help regulate the bowel movement of a cat with constipation as the pumpkin contains a type of good bacteria known to regulate bowel movements.


Peas are loaded with vitamins and minerals including but not limited to vitamin B, vitamin C vitamin D and K. A little bit of peas mixed into their daily all protien meal is a good idea to give your cat a little boost of fiber and carbs. peas are best served boiled and mixed into regular wet food.

Full Frame Shot of Green Peas
Vertical Shot of Black Cat Eating Peas from a Table
A Close-Up Shot of Zucchinis


Heres a vegetable that is especially recommended for cats with obesity as it is very low in calories while being extremely nutritous. zucchini contains iron, magnesium, vitamin A, B6 and C. diced or mashed to a paste it can be supported its good to go. beans

green beans are another source of high fiber and nutrients to aid in digestion for cats. Although it might be trickier to feed it to picky eaters as it is pretty hard to hide it in foods.


  • It is always recommended to feed cooked veggies to cats as they are easier to digest when cooked.
  • Always remember that cats are Carnivore creatures by nature and require a high protien diet derived from animal meat hence should never be put on an all vegetarian diet.
  • Vegetables, fuits or even grains should be added to thier diet in moderation and only for a little variety, or on doctors consultation.


Heres a tricky vegetable for cats. Spinach is one of the bigest iron boosters in nature. extremely rich in nutrients such as iron, potassium, vitamin A, vit C, and K. A high amount of dietery fibre and even an adequete amount of protien however spinach is NOT RECOMMENDED for cats with any kind of oxolate bladder stones, kidney problems or any kind of urinary issues such as UTI.

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